Duration: 9 weeks


    title Bachelor Degree Tasks
    dateFormat  DD-MM
    axisFormat  %d-%m
    tickInterval 1week
    weekday monday

    Start of the Thesis : milestone, start, 15-07, 0m
	Quansar qube Servo 3:qube3, 15-07,01-08
	Q2:q2, 01-08,16-09
	section Construction
	Prototyp v0 :prot,after start,3d
	Sketch v1:sketch,01-08,1d
	Aluminium Frame:alu,05-08,5d

	section Interfacting <br> with Quarc
	Basic HIL undrestanding:basichil,after prot, 2d
	UDP bridge Python :upd, after basichil,2d
	Serial communication bridge Python:Serialcommunication,after upd,1d
	Finding the limits of Q2:limitsq2,02-08,1d

	section Electronics
	Hardware signal processing:hsp,after Serialcommunication,1d
	Schmitt trigger :schmitt, after fft,1d

	section Code
	Magnet :magnet, after hsp,1d
	Serial:serial,after magnet,1d
	Concurrency:concurrency, after serial,3d
	FFT:fft,after concurrency,3d

    section Control
    Modeling:modeling,after research,4d
    Identificationg:identification,after modeling,1d
    Control:control,after identification,3d

	section Document
	Writing :writing, after control, 12d
    Proofreading: proofreading, after writing, 3d

End of the Thesis : milestone, end, 16-09, 0m

Host PC


External Communication

it’s wrong: here. trying out Instrument Control Toolbox was a fail. Trying out lots of serial stuff not working. Getting it to work with udp.

How dose the data get transferred?

The data can get transferred as a double. For a quick check: calculating a double On how this is really done: wikipedia.

Python UDP

With Python I can read the com port and send it to a quarc stream server UDP block with the option peer=any.

work hours for Getting external data into the running system 15h +-.

Using virtual COM port and Python

I used com0com to create a virtual com port pair. I open a stream client on one of the serial ports. I doesn’t matter what flow control I have. It works flawlessly. It is working with Blocking and in non Blocking mode. The client is to com port 9 e.g. and I use still open com port 9 in python.

script for working communication

Describing the Problem

The problem is that I transfer 8 bytes of data over serial and I cannot tell the beginning of the 8bytes to form a double. So it is not easy to just get a double form your serial connection on arduino. This does not work and gives weird numbers.

double_value = struct.unpack('<d', rec_bytesS)[0]

Is the signal using Start/stop Delimiter?

  • Start Delimiter: 0x02 (STX)
  • Stop Delimiter: 0x03 (ETX) I can read a line and convert it to a double. Python notices carrier newline/return?

This can complile a app that can change in real time. This is called Target App. The current Simulink plan: q_qube2_model_student.slx.

current simulink q2.zip 1.2MB .

spectrum analyzer Simulink extras additional sink spectrum analyzer DSP Toolbox


Target App

app Architecture

Quansar Qube Servo 3

Control overview Quansar

drawio file : bachelor_overview_control.drawio

Quansar Qube-Servo 3

Software Install

link here link go to quarc 2024 installer and documentation read the docs and install quarc 2024 installer visual studio community 2022: c++ windwows apps, .net runtime. Both will be 11.3gb total Install matlab coder and Simulink coder



device specs

torque: 20.4 Nmm source Measured torque of turning the guitar peg: 105Nmm.


The plant is a vibrating string. The actuator is a magnet. The ouput of the plant is obtained by a pickup sensor.


The torque of the engine needs to be five times higher. sketch:

Transclude of Bachelor-Thesis-2024-07-19-14.54.23.excalidraw
Needed Fusion360 gear plugin Links: customizable fixed but nice looking.


Hardware Signal Processing should be here also.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5608284/ https://tost.unise.org/pdfs/vol4/no4/4x4x437x441.pdf

Hardware Signal Processing

inverting amp. summing amp. voltage follower. schmitt trigger.

DC/DC Converter

The voltage generator is a Traco Power TEC 3-1223. The datasheet can be seen here.


The opamp we use is a low noise fet op amp from TI. The datasheet can be seen here.

NPN Transistor

The BC141-16 transistor is used to control the power to the magnet. The datasheet can be seen here.


here. It is not possible to use a comparator to generate a digital signal of stings output to get the frequenzy of the string. In order to use FFT we need real measurements. edit hardware.drawio It is important to choose a proper value for the f_egg. bad example with 100n and 1k rc. Using RC with and . . This is dampening the signal a lot. It is required to adjust the Schmitt trigger. I adjusted the Schmitt trigger by changing the 1k to 220.


It is not possible control the duty cycle of one pwm with a fixed frequency and contorl the other with a fixed duty cycle but varying frequency.



gibson gibson explaind speed test


Stockholm bachlor guitar tuner box nonlinear oszilator arduino.


Limits of Q2

This means the MCU has to output a PWM frequency with varying frequency.


data acquisition

The thing about fft is that it taks as long as you want your accuracy. If I want to be able to detect and destinglish between frequencies like 300Hz and 301Hz I have to sample for 1 second which is the delta. Instead of doing the FFT There is the option to do Zero crossing detection.

ADC in general

Testing the ADC of the ESP32
while (1)

On the left the data can be plotted over time. This corresponds to the actual data taken with an oscilloscope. The figure on the right shows the time difference between samples. It seems that the 8 samples only take 172 and then one takes 10ms.

Maybe it is a problem with the serial output. We can toggle the pin of a led and see the output with an oscilloscope.

while (1)
  digitalWrite(led, on);
  on = !on;

The adc seems to be working fine. Here with a sampling frequency of 4500Hz All images like this are taken with my Oscilloscope.


The phone reports a frequency of 103Hz. The data from the adc gives us a frequncy of 104.8Hz The oscilospoce returns a frequency of roughly 103Hz.

interestingly there was no differenc between readanalog and readanalog raw. With adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_0); I was able to get a sampling rate of 11750Hz. The main code is esp32main.cpp.

ADC of the STM32401CCU

The ADC of the STM32F401ccu is faster. A sampling rate of up to 16000Hz can be achieved. There seems to be a problem with the ADC. Nothing below the average can get sampled. code stm32main.cpp.

ADC on the Arduino UNO

The sampling time of 110us can be achieved.

Closing the control loop

For the beginning we take an easy P controller with the gain of 0.04.


stm32f401 schematics img pcb designed on 2024-08-14 and 2024-08-15. Delivered on 2024-08-22. The files of both pcbs can be found here: easyeda_bachelor_hardware_2024-09-13.epro.

Data Transmission

Hopefully last notes on 2024-08-27. data transmission through serial1 with rx to tx connected and using just PA9 to transmit with 115200 baud. There is no 12V connceted. On the right we can see the data transmission of the RX/TX signal to a USB uart converter. On the left we can see the data of my pcb at the same time. The CH340C is configured correctly. It is only transferring with 3.3 logic even though VUSB is 5V. With the 12V connected the signal gets even more garbled and almost indistinguishable from the noise. see the datasheeht. 6.2. Electrical Parameter clearly states that if you don’t have V3 connected to Vcc it is not in spec and it needs 5V to function for Vcc. I soldered a bridge between Vcc and V3. It didn’t help.

I later realized that I only soldered a big cap for Vcc that was on the other side of the board. Luckily I had a cap planned next to the CH340C which I didn’t use earlier because my thought was now that V3 is connected it is also connected to the big Cap on the other side. After connecting a 104F Cap right next to the CH340C it works better almost flawlessly. The stm32 chip warmed up and died. After some seconds the MCU got super hot and died.

The usart to USB bridge also died. There is a ground VCC residence of 0 ohm for it.

Signal Acquisition

First 100Hz (eyeballed) signal sampled with 1000Hz. 100.mat.

Other Measurements:110.mat peak at 109.997Hz and 111.mat.

Setting the Frequency with the Oszi.

data= data(2,:);
% Sampling frequency (replace with your actual sampling frequency)
Fs = 1000;
% Compute the FFT
Y = fft(data);
% Number of data points
n = length(data);
% Compute the frequency axis
f = (0:n-1)*(Fs/n);
% Plot the FFT
magnitudeY = abs(Y);
plot(f, magnitudeY);
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
title('Magnitude of FFT');

It is very hard to really the correct frequency visually on the oszi. After Analyzing 111.mat it shows that the frequency was actually 111.3Hz.

Testing the Control loop

On analog channel 1 there we get the adjusted signal of the pickup sensor. Data is available 85to80to85_analog_freq_setpoint.mat. Using the Vaules after 35s. We can do the FFT like we did in Signal Acquisition. Next to the roughly correct 85Hz signal we have a peaks at 50Hz and at multiples of it. After the setpoint change in 26.4 the motor seems to take some time to respond. The motor kicks in immediately as shown below. The ‘Determin Accuracy’ block is used to check if the error is in between . If so we use a PT-1 to smoothen our sensor Signal to get an average. There are no models used to adjust the control parameters yet. The Motor is not position controlled yet.


19 revolutions of the peg is one revolution of the cylinder.

Position control drive side

The position control of the Motor on the drive side is fairly easy and accurate. With a simple PI controller it is possible to get an accuracy down to below 2/9600 of a revolution. This is not very useful. There is a lot of uncertainty on the output side. 2024-08-16 breaking of string ‘1’ E.

Position control of output side

Hardware: Series ETA25PS. Mount: Let’s try to contorl the motor positon to the 1000th of a rotation. As you can see in Testing the Control loop there seems to be 50Hz noise on all lines. The noise here visible is not this noise it is vibration of the engine. I tried to get rid of the vibration. Nor P nor d nor I on it’s own were without vibration. This concludes that the vibration has to be taken into account. Dampeners?? Jump from 0 to of a Revolution. The position contorl is stationary accurate! Using a friction compesition is working. It is easier to just add a D part to the controller so the Motor is in movement most of the time. Friction is now negligible.

Serial is working but very unreliable. Screenshot explained todo: magnet anschliessen und motor platine löten

finished project:

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