We started out in Penguish (Henries Hideout) and on this day we would go southeast to Bryce Canyon.

We drove only 1h to Bryce Canyon. The entrance fee for all national parks is 80$ per car.

I was hyped for the day when I first saw the canyon. There are some walking tracks in the Bryce Canyon. We went down the canyon tho my father was really terrified of heights and thus could not walk down with us. He walked down a shallower path. Eventually we met him at a junction.

this is how we hiked most of the time

Se and Sarah were right behind my heels.

taking a break

I took so many photos of Se and my sister.

My parents were too tired to walk. I hiked through the landscape with my sister Sarah and her boyfriend Sebastian.

Se’s favorite pose

me replicating the pose

I really liked the wind that comes up on the peaks.

Sebastian had his foot broken a few weeks ago and is technically still recovering.

It was hot. We walked for some kilometers (maybe 5 already). My only concern was the sun and being sunburned.

We moved at a rather slow rate. Partly because we enjoyed the view and partly because it was hot and exhausting to move too fast.

The trees were really interesting to me. The trees are Bursera microphylla. Why are they twisted?

rotating tree?

Why are the trees growing like this?

  1. Environmental Conditions: Strong winds and exposure to external forces can cause pine trees to develop twisted trunks.

  2. Geotropism: Uneven growth can occur when trees adapt to slopes or uneven surfaces, leading to torsion.

  3. Genetics: Some pine species naturally grow with twisted trunks due to genetic factors.

  4. Competition for Light: Dense forests can lead to uneven growth as trees compete for sunlight.

  5. Damage: Physical injuries to young trees can result in the development of a twisted trunk.

  6. Uneven Water or Nutrient Supply: Variations in soil composition or water availability can cause asymmetric growth.

  7. Response to Stress: Trees might develop twisted trunks in response to stress from disease, pests, or environmental factors.

  8. Pruning: Improper pruning techniques, such as uneven branch removal, can disrupt growth and lead to irregular trunk shapes.

After we’ve hiked through Bryce Canyone we drove to Torrey.

back on the road

On the road there are so nice spots to just take a break and enjoy the view.

It really seemed to me that on the cliffs there is more wind than on the flat planes.

Thank you mom for taking so nice pictures I guess.

She gets better everyday and tries new ways to capture the moment .

really big picture


my sis showing something

if only there would be water inside

I dared to jump across the hole in the floor

We hiked to a big arch. There sometimes was very fine sand on the ground and the flora was relaxing.

scale gets lost if there is no reference

humans for reference

random but nice photo

effects of water

Broken spur Hotel🔗‍💥 🐎

This was the 9th day of theUSA trip. Read more aboutTravel continue reading about he next day Monument Valley